
The students of the Environmental Protection Club work diligently, year after year, to ensure that horrible snarling toothy monsters don't snack on the student body. Or if they do we get right on it. The snacking will stop soon, we promise. Well, soon-ish. We've got a lot on our plate at the moment. We saved the world once, you know. And we get wounded a hell of a lot.

The Environmental Protection Club

Ezekiel Washington

Ezekiel began as a violent and troubled malcontent who agitated for social change during the day and brewed homemade thermite at night. Zealous in his crusade against 'the Man' Zeke engaged in dangerous, horrendously illegal behavior to strike at the heart of the corrupt system as he saw it, but his years at Franklin have profoundly changed him. The actions he has been forced to take in defense of others have left him deeply scarred, coldly pragmatic and occasionally numb. 

At the same time, Zeke no longer uses explosive as his modus operandi. After a stint on the FBI's Most Wanted list he framed his crimes on a particularly nasty pack of frat boys and stopped altogether when an innocent police officer was wounded by one of his devices. The fact that an injured cop elicited such a response is evidence itself of how different this Ezekiel has become. 

Meanwhile the stress of doing what needs to be done has affected him in other ways and soon the road he has chosen to walk may not afford him any paths back towards the light of day.

Ezekiel Washington

Ezekiel the Cookbook Anarchist

Peter Wradovitch

Peter came to America fleeing the death-squads and gulags of his native Soviet Union. In many ways Peter is the conscience of the Club, arguing against paths which would strip its members of their humanity and reminding them of what's important when the destination becomes obscured.

Peter Wradovitch

Peter the Communist Med Student

Michael Cross

Mike got out of Vietnam with a few less healthy habits and a lot more ghosts. Seeking to re-connect with humanity, he enrolled in college to pursue a degree in Journalism but found himself surrounded by werewolves and Communists. Not the most sympathetic of souls to begin with, Michael sincerely tried to forget the terrible things he witnessed over there but soon found himself fighting battles again, this time against creatures lurking beneath the veil of safety and home. Dragged back to his dark place night after night and forced to take the life of an innocent, Michael has become self-destructive lately. Angry and increasingly reckless, he would rather take comfort in a bottle than in the friends that fight beside him.

Michael Cross

Michael the Journalism Major

Penelope Winchester

Penny was born into a family of spooks, spending her life with a silver-spoon in her mouth and a gigantic 'portable phone' slung under one arm. Things changed when Penny hit her rebellious stage, discovered black mascara and began having nightmarish visions of the end of the world. Struggling to cope with this ability she took up Creative Writing to give it an outlet but it wasn't until she met the Environmental Protection Club that she was able to act on what she saw. Now she works towards preventing her visions from coming true and helping those who have been victimized by the supernatural to cope with the trauma. If Peter is the conscience of the group then Penny is the emotional heart (when she's not self medicating against the horror).

Penny engages in high-risk behavior on a regular basis, from driving like a psychotic and taking drugs to seducing a police detective twice her age. She often acts impulsively, once firing a loaded revolver at a Michael's head during a heated argument. But for all of her manic-depressive traits Penny is a reliable member of the Club and a decent human being, something which has become increasingly rare these nights.

Penelope Winchester

Penny the Trust Fund Punk

Dreve Omnear

A high-octane mutant fueled by hatred and heavy metal, Dreve crawled out of an abandoned shipping container and into our lives. Devoted to both violent revolution and class warfare, he highlighted how far Ezekiel had grown by the extreme nature of his anarchism. At the same time he railed against the capitalist machine louder than Peter the Communist but had never himself read Marx. Young and angry, he had the fire to work with the Environmental Protection Club but none of their hard-earned wisdom or caution.

Ultimately Dreve was revealed to be a double-agent. Sent by the Pure to apprise them of Penny's visions and lead the party into an ambush if they got too close, he was beaten unconscious after his betrayal came to light and sealed into a shipping container bound for Yugoslavia. Or was it Uganda?

Dreve the Perpetual Rebel